Muscle Problem Not Bladder Problem

Muscle Problem Not Bladder Problem

Bladder ”weakness” or urinary incontinence is not usually a bladder issue at all. It is a muscle issue. Pelvic floor muscles (the muscles in the base of your pelvis that control the flow of urine) are like all other muscles in the body and can be trained to work properly at any age if you are ready to take on the challenge!

The pelvic floor is a collection of muscles that sit in the base of your pelvis and support the organs in the pelvic cavity. These muscles orient themselves in a variety of directions.

Meaning, in order for them to best work, we must move 

  • Forward and backwards
  • Side to side 
  • Rotational

It is well understood that strengthening muscles of the body requires movement.  The time has come to understand that strengthening muscles of the pelvic floor is no different.  Movement is going to be required. This movement should be in all directions, with varied speeds, and with emphasis on hips, pelvic, and spine working together. 

The Lim Method is the best way to make sure your pelvic floor muscles are being moved and strengthened.  Say goodbye to medication and hello to movement as your medicine.

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